Teaching children and youth that their dreams
We show each child and youth selected from their schools or living in homeless shelters how to define their dreams visually through photography. Pictures of Hope engages leaders of note in every community including mayors, police chiefs, famous journalists, and business leaders to mentor each child we help. Each child’s heartfelt Picture of Hope shows us what they are hoping for in life.
Media Coverage
How Pictures of Hope is changing lives.
Shelters resourced.
Donations increased.
Scholarships given.
Lives transformed.
Pictures of Hope has partnered together with major corporate sponsors, news media agencies, and colleges and universities to help homeless and under privileged children and youth break out of the cycle of poverty. To date, Pictures of Hope has helped hundreds of families find access to housing and aided nearly one dozen students with full-ride college scholarships, all while donating 100% of the proceeds of the Pictures of Hope card sales to the shelters and schools we serve.


Derek DeBoer

Mayor Jonathan Rothschild
Our Program
1. Photo Tutorial
Linda Solomon gives a photo tutorial where she shares her famous portraits of celebrities to teach children how they can share their innermost hopes and dreams for a better life.
2. Photo Shoot
Each child is surprised with a donated digital camera sponsored by Walgreens at the end of the tutorial to take photos defining their dreams.
3. Share With Mentor
Children share their photos with their volunteer mentors, gaining self-esteem by articulating their future hopes with safe and supportive adults.
4. Celeration Reception
Children present their work at a “Meet The Young Artist” reception where local community members can view and order cards, with 100% of proceeds going to support the school or shelter.
Ready to change lives?
Photos that point
toward a new
The children and youth who participate in Pictures of Hope are often in difficult situations, but that does not mean they do not know about who they want to become. By giving them a camera and an opportunity to document their hopes and dreams, these young people create deeply moving and beautiful art that serves a dual purpose: guiding their future while helping to resource the organizations helping them in the present.

Linda Solomon
Linda Solomon, a nationally recognized, award winning photojournalist and member of the exclusive and prestigious Michigan Journalism Hall of Fame, has divided her career between capturing the most famous personalities of our time and teaching others to express themselves through photography.